Thank you so much for your commentary. I watch so many documentaries. I have read so many biographies and autobiographies I subscribe to Mojo music magazine, and a plethora of other music related periodicals- I could go on because I immersed myself in so many musical things but the bottom line is you are correct in every single way and it’s a big bummer that in the year 2024 very little headway has moved forward in putting women’s contributions out there in the way we look at the “guys” work. I really love St. Vincent and what she brings to the table and I hope I see more of that in the future because I think people like her are very ground on breaking on par with early Eno (she’s still pretty young to be in Eno’s caliber). Let’s do better ladies at getting the word out in the same reverential way the men do. I know you are working on a Sinead O’Connor book (I think)- there’s a great step in the right direction. We can be way more relevant if we talented women support ourselves like we support talented men. Thanks Martha for layin’ it out there!

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May 27Liked by Martha Bayne

Great essay, Martha—more and more I find myself watching films and shows and thinking, couldn’t there be at least one or two more women in this cast?

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May 27Liked by Martha Bayne

You might have already heard it, but if not, Kathleen Hanna’s recent Fresh Air interview was so good.

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I haven’t! Will give a listen.

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May 25Liked by Martha Bayne

I really appreciate the window into these worlds through your eyes. I have been an appreciator of the music throughout the same time period, and your experience feels so very parallel universe as if I were just one click away. It helps me reflect and process the world and my own experiences differently. Thank you

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