Thanks so much Gina. I thought of this strange parallel as well: my boobs were part of what cast me out of ballet, and yet were also instrumental in bringing me back, and helping to evolve my perspective. This past month of finally having some energy back has been a game changer for recovery -- I feel so much more whole. I also of course…
Thanks so much Gina. I thought of this strange parallel as well: my boobs were part of what cast me out of ballet, and yet were also instrumental in bringing me back, and helping to evolve my perspective. This past month of finally having some energy back has been a game changer for recovery -- I feel so much more whole. I also of course had a terrible flash of good old-fashioned body dysmorphia in the studio when I noticed that my lines looked better now that my breasts have been chiseled down a few sizes. SO messed up!
The world has really done a number on us all, right??
I've never been more keenly aware of the dichotomy between HEALTH and LOOKING HEALTHY (aka THIN). And still, it's so hard not to get sucked into that line of thinking, even when you know it's so not right!
Thanks so much Gina. I thought of this strange parallel as well: my boobs were part of what cast me out of ballet, and yet were also instrumental in bringing me back, and helping to evolve my perspective. This past month of finally having some energy back has been a game changer for recovery -- I feel so much more whole. I also of course had a terrible flash of good old-fashioned body dysmorphia in the studio when I noticed that my lines looked better now that my breasts have been chiseled down a few sizes. SO messed up!
The world has really done a number on us all, right??
I've never been more keenly aware of the dichotomy between HEALTH and LOOKING HEALTHY (aka THIN). And still, it's so hard not to get sucked into that line of thinking, even when you know it's so not right!