It all makes sense Martha when it’s all spelled out like this. What a powerhouse you are.

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I sent this to a friend yesterday to ask if I sounded insane. She didn't write me back lol

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Hello, Martha. I read this through the fog of a fever on the other side of the world, but I felt such a connection that I had to write. (Adjuncting--and labor strikes downstate at UIUC; Chicago--one son works as a Chef there and studied journalism; Seattle--another son lives there, lovely place; publishing, writing, etc....) I don't remember subscribing to your letter, but I'm glad it showed up in my email today. Glad your health is good, but sorry about the broken foot. My fever will improve, I hope, in time to return to the Midwest next week. And then maybe I'll write a better note.

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I seem to have gotten a lot of ghost subscribers lately? I think there’s a strange Substack function that leads people to subscribe when they think they are just clicking through to a new page. In any case, happy to have you here, no matter how you got here! I hope your fever clears up soon 🤗

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Thanks for including Oldster in that great list!

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Rockin amount of literary living, among other things. And let's hope the men who platform Nazis read to the end, disabuse themselves, and shed their so-called "free-speech absolutism" like so much dandruff in the coming year.

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Thank you for the mention, Martha. I always look forward to each new Bell, Whistle!

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Hope to see you in the new year!

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I will be at AWP - hope to see you if you're also in KC!

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Right now I'm not planning to go to AWP, but that can always change. We'll see!

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I loved reading about you, Martha. Live well and prosper - that’s my wish for you. I’ll save this one and peruse all the links, too.

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Thanks Linda! May we all live long and prosper in the new year.

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