Oof. But how glorious to sustain an injury because you were flying through the air! Speedy healing 💕

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KATE!!! ❤️🤗❤️🤗

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From one accident freak to another, sending love and hugs!

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Get well soon.

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Oy vey. Well, yeah, if that don't certify you as a dancer, what does?

BTW, the lyric is obviously wrong, so it's Percy Sledge who should be apologizing to you.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...? Nietzsche wasn't much of songwriter, and if he was, this lyric would be of dubious validity, too. What doesn't kill you can lay you up for a while. Be of good cheer, though! I have an old Calypso song to send you that does apply to injuries, hospitals, singing, and Christmas (I know that's premature, but they don't celebrate pilgrim-propaganda-Thanksgiving in Trinidad).

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Thanks for the song Jeffy!

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One of my favorites!

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Oh no, Martha; I am so sorry to hear it. I am inspired by this bit: 'My mind has already wrapped itself around this latest new (ab)normal and I’ve stopped beating myself up for trying to fly too close to the sun.' Giving yourself some grace, good news! Such a challenge sometimes, however also -- so transformative.

I'm rooting for you, and I'm going to look for opportunities to do the same thing in my own life.

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go to erikabizzarriorvieto.com for my take on falling. Was a post several months ago.

Had to learn to write with my left hand. It's that nano second and you're no longer where you were.

Best wishes.


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As my mother would have said, darn it anyhow!

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I’m so sorry!!! Ugggg! Well- at least you broke it doing something you love (not just slipping on the ice). Hope your recovery is speedy and you get some Zen time along the way!

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Kelly Hogan is wonderful. My brain conflates her voice with Neko's but they are both great.

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No, Martha, no!!!! I'm so sorry!

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Oh no! Heal up quick, Martha!

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I can’t believe this is happening AGAIN!

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Oh, damn, Martha, I'm so sorry! And also moved as always by your reflections here. Sending care <3

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Aww, Nuts! Sorry for your “sudden stop”.

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